Our film is 6 weeks away from being completed and we need to raise $13,000 to get it across the finish line. UPDATE: ONLY $3,000 left to raise!

What’s left is housekeeping -- insurance, legal, sound and color correction -- these come with some pretty hefty price tags but are essential before any festival will take us.

With your tax deductible contribution, we can complete our film and begin the conversation of making safer and healthier choices for ourselves and future generations.

All donations to the film are 100% tax deductible.
Receipts issued electronically

Clicking the above link will take you to our film’s IDA page for secure donation processing
 A PayPal account is not required to use the service

Overload: America's Toxic Love Story is a part of the
International Documentary Association’s Fiscal Sponsorship Program.

Prefer to Donate via Check?
All check donations must be made out to the International Documentary Association (or IDA) with Overload: America's Toxic Love Story written on the memo line.

Please mail checks to:
14107 Harbour Place
Prospect, KY 40059

$50     Thank you shout out on our Facebook and Twitter pages

$100    Thank you shout out on our Facebook and Twitter pages & Recognition on Film's Supporters                       Webpage

$250    Thank You Film Credit & Recognition on Film's Supporters Webpage

$500    Thank You Film Credit, Website Recognition & Invite for 2 to the 1st screening closest to you

$1,000 Silver Donor Film Credit, Website Recognition & Invite for 2 to the 1st screening closest to you

$5,000 Gold Donor Film Credit, Website Recognition & Invite for 2 to the 1st screening closest to you

$10,000 Platinum Donor Film Credit, Website Recognition & Invite for 2 to the 1st screening closest to                      you

$20,000 Associate Producer Credit, Website Recognition + 2 Invites to the Film's Premiere

$50,000 Executive Producer Credit, Website Recognition + 2 Invites to the Film's Premiere


If you wish to donate by wire or stock transfer, please contact us at AToxicLoveStory@gmail.com